About me

  • She/any idc

  • 20 y/o

  • Aroace

  • Egyptian

  • INFJ 4w5 or 2w1

  • Probably have undiagnosed ADHD

  • Artist!! Mostly draw Ibara and Ibara ships for now but feel free to drop reqs in the retrospring~

  • Commissions open!! You can find info in my KoFi (linked in the footer ↓) you can also just dm me and we can negotiate lol

  • Sometimes I write fanfiction

  • I like fictional men! Real men are,,, okay.

  • Current hyperfixation: Ensemble Stars (this changes every once in a while)

(read: hyperfixations)

Note: I am a huge multishipper especially when it comes to my favs and I absolutely eat up rarepairs and I will draw them

Alchemy Stars

Ships: I ship pretty much any male character together but my favorites include Leymatt, Hydraluke, Hiiwrath, Jenovio, Charonovio, Leyjeno, Leynovio, Rinneyao, polyromancedivision, Ninagoldie, Vicnos, and many more!!

Genshin impact

Ships: basically if the ship contains Albedo and another male character who isn't Kaeya and is legal: I ship it that's a lot of ships so I won't list them here but my absolute favorite is Lynheicynobedo (Lyney, Heizou, Cyno, Albedo) idk I like polys and I kin all of them so

Ensemble Stars!!

Ships: my favorite ships are basically almost everything that includes Ibara but since that's a lot I'm just gonna include a tier list below ↓
Outside of Ibara and any inter-eden ships, my favorites include: wataeiyuzu (and all ships within), watareikeichi (and all ships within), watareishu (and all ships within), Natsume x any Eden member, polysweden, polytrickstar, nagikao, nagirei, watanagi, kohaai, junkana, tatsumayo, nagimayo, keimugi, shumugi, keimao.... Uh there's probably more I can't think of anything rn though
Ibanagi (not fixed per se but heavily preferred)
Ibahiyo (reversable)
Ibajun (fixed)
Nagijun (reversable)
Hiyojun (fixed)
Hiyonagi (not fixed but preferred, though I think they're more qpr anyway)
Ibayuzu (very fixed)Also Ibara comes first in pretty much all of my ships, this is deliberate~ o7

Project Sekai

Ships: toyarui, polyvbs (and every vbs ship), polysho (and every wxs ship)

Hypnosis mic

Ships: Hifudo, Gendice, Hifugen (?), Doppice (?), Jakurai x therapy
Idk ship names,,

Honorable mentions

Before you follow/interact

  • Heavy rt

  • May rt nsfw content, usually it's tagged/spoilered, I try not to rt untagged/unspoilered nsfw but I forget sometimes so minors be careful

  • May rt and draw blood, nothing too graphic or gorey because I hate body horror but it's still blood technically so

  • I am aroace but I am also very affectionate and a romantic at heart, that means that I may use language that could be perceived as romantic (I try to watch my words and I will keep it to a minimum), I am not flirting with you, I am not interested in you no matter how old you are, I am just expressing oomf-ily affection.

  • I will use tone indicators because I'm not confident in the way my words come off, sometimes I fail to correctly predict how my words are taken, so if anything I say ever makes you uncomfortable please feel free to dm me and tell me about it, I will stop

  • I don't like romance that much actually. Any ship I like will usually be talked about in a way that could be perceived as queerplatonic. So if I mention "touching" of any kind, it will absolutely 100% of the time be intended as poking or handholding or literally just someone's hand on another person's arm, chest, back, shoulder, head, face, or anywhere similarly harmless

  • I don't kiss oomfs, if you see me kiss someone, that's my irl, she's special

  • My hyperfixations are everything to me, which means I will most likely avoid anything that is not within my interests (outside of rting Palestine support links)

  • Sometimes I don't have the mental capacity to interact, it's not because I don't like you, sometimes all I can offer is a like and an rt, please take this as my highest form of support even if I don't necessarily have the words to reply to you

  • My perception of characters usually aligns with canon. This includes genders, races, sexualities, etc. I respect everyone's headcanons and you're free and within your right to have them but I personally use characters' canon pronouns most of the time

  • I don't take social media that seriously, it's an app that I use to look at cute fanart and talk about my interests so don't expect anything I do or say on here to be as thought out as my actions in real life. If I interact with someone who is considered problematic, it's not because I support them or all their opinions, it's very possible that I'm not aware of everything regarding this person or I just like their art and don't interact with them beyond that. If you notice anything like that, please feel free to dm me about it and inform me, pls keep in mind that I am big dumb dumb and I'm mostly more concerned with trying to pass my classes than making sure I'm not following the wrong people on social media


There is no dni, I don't care if you want to interact with me, it's your choice. I also don't rly block people but I probably won't interact back/will ignore any tweets you make about these subjects, just to curate my tl. If I find you really annoying though I'll probably just mute you

  • Anything discriminatory, targeted, or pointedly hateful (this includes racism, sexism of any kind, homophobia, transphobia, hate speech, account cancelling/exposing threads or similar twt drama, anti-christian sentiments (sorry I am Christian, that sort of thing makes me uncomfortable) and generally any kind of slur or insult (joking is okay but sometimes I need tone indicators lol)

  • Ships I dislike: ibahaji, nagihiyo, yuzutori, xingyun, haikaveh, kaeluc, cynonari, zhongchi, aether x anyone (Dustin and Wind get a pass), ganqing (I don't really dislike it I just feel like Keqing should have more recognition than just being the other half of that ship), eimiko (they're platonic to me), bumbleby, white rose (I am sorry, FNDM)

  • Nightcord 25, that's it just Nightcord 25 (Jun gets a pass)

  • Anything dsmp

  • Anything pedophilia related

  • Body horror

  • Detailed bugs or anything that looks like bugs